Headstones & Upright Monuments

There Are Promises That Live On From Generation To Generation

Headstones: High Quality Granite Upright Monuments (Angels, Crosses, Hearts & Serpentine Top)

We provide a wide variety of upright monuments. Varying in shapes from a serpentine top, square cut, or even a unique oval shape. We can design angels, crosses, hearts and floral headstones. A single or companion headstones can be designed as well. Whether you are looking for a simple memorial headstone or a unique family monument we can make it right down to your specifications.


From custom monuments to simple headstones, we can make to accommodate your design inspiration. The quoted price we provide you is the price you pay. The price you see is the price you pay. Our quoted price is determined by the colour of granite, size, shape and finish. Our granite comes from all over the world and each varying in pricing. Some granites are less abundant, far denser and heavier to transport. These factors will affect freight cost and make some granite to vary in pricing. Typically, larger headstones will cost more while a marker twice as large as another will be 60% more in price rather than double. More workmanship is applied into making a marker more intricate. Depending on desired finished (shape) and artwork, the price will be different than what we displayed online. Quoted price for headstones, tombstones and monuments include engraving and free delivery within the Greater Toronto Area. Our Ottawa monument showroom offers a vast selection of monuments for you to sample. Installation fee may apply depending on the cemetery. We provide extra services such as photo etching and ceramic photos at an additional charge.

Vases & Burners
Ceramic Photos
Ceramic Photos
Bronze Frames
Bronze Frames
Completed Monuments
Finished Memorials

Please Select Granite Colour to View Completed Memorials

black granite headstone

(Click Tile for All Black Granite Headstones)

Light Grey Granite

(Click Tile for All Light Grey Granite Headstones)

India Red Granite

(Click Tile for All Indian Red Granite Headstones)

dark brits granite headstone

(Click Tile for All Dark Brits Granite Headstones)

pink granite headstones

(Click Tile for All Pink Granite Headstones)

Dakota Mahogany Granite

(Click Tile for All Mahogany Granite Headstones)

Paradiso Granite

(Click Tile for All Paradiso Granite Headstones)

Tropical Green Granite

(Click Tile for All Tropical Green Granite Headstones)

Bahama Blue Granite

(Click Tile for All Bahama Blue Granite Headstones)

(Click Tile for All Blue Pearl Granite Headstones)

More Selections of Colour Granite:

light brits granite headstones
Evergreen granite headstones
pearl white granite headstones
indora granite headstones
emerald pearl granite headstone
Aurora Granite
south african brits granite headstones
Himalaya Blue granite headstones
oriental red granite headstones
multired granite headstones
TanBrown granite headstones

Can’t find the colour granite your looking for?


If you are interested in a particular size or colour that are not listed on our website, just contact us at 905-604-7555. We would be happy to get a quote out for you.

Selecting the Shape and Size of Headstone


Open Book Blue Pearl HeadstoneUpright headstones have a wide selection of shapes. Headstones are polished on the front and back surfaces. The top, sides and even cut-in angles can be polished for a defined look. Most widely purchased monument style is the standard serpentine shaped headstone. This style is offered in numerous sizes and is beautiful in any color of granite available. The colour shown on the left is Indian Red a popular granite from India. The upper portion is either 6” or 8” thick. Any choice of granite colour will look beautiful in this shape.


Black Cross Serp HeadstoneThe traditional cross shape monument is a polished front and back upright headstone. All sides of the base is polished.  In black granite, gold leaf engraving draws the eyes to the headstone. Laser etching can allow detailed scenery to be placed onto the headstone. Most often black granite is a popular choice when you want to proceed with cross shaped upright monuments. Light grey or pearl white is also an option.
orheartangelheadstoneThe heart shape monument is a polished front and back upright monument. The base can feature polished top, and rock pitched sides or polished throughout. The heart shaped monument can be combined with a cross on its side. A beautiful distinctive monument that communicates both love and faith. You can also pair heart shaped monument with angel on its side. The colour shown on the right is Oriental Red and shaped in a beautiful tri-heart monument made for a companion memorial. The headstone is polished front and back. The base is shown with a polished top, and rock pitched sides. If you would like a price quote for any of the shape of monument but in a different color – call us today at 905-604-7555.